Training and certification of soft skills classes

Training and certification of soft skills classes

Van Hanh Medical and Pharmaceutical School announces the training and certification of soft skills for people with needs with the desire to help future generations to better develop the strengths of thinking, the dynamics of his.

According to a statistic, in Vietnam only 25% of the successful people are qualified; the remaining 75%, their success is determined by the soft skills they are equipped with.

In the integration era, competition for jobs is enormous. Actually, each student is not only knowledgeable but also has to be skillful and confident in the challenging environment. However, many schools in our country still do not bring soft skills into a course for training courses, soft skills of students, students are still lacking and weak.

At present, many students, despite their good grades, find it difficult to apply for a job. This may be due to many problems but the lack of serious soft skills and experience is a key factor. Hundreds of people graduate each year but only a few meet the requirements of employers.

Thus, the role of soft skills training is extremely important!

Course information

Recognizing the role of soft skills is very important, especially in the international integration, Van Hanh Medical School announced the training, certification of soft skills for people with needs. Desiring to help future generations to better develop their strengths in thinking, creativity and dynamism.

Qualified training and certification include:

– Skills to explore yourself;

– Skills to build goals and motivate oneself;

– Effective teamwork skills;

– creative thinking skills;

– problem solving skills – decision making;

– Presentation skills;

– Leadership skills;

– Skills to find and conquer recruit.

Note: For students of Van Hien University, when learning soft skills at Van Hanh Medicine and Pharmacy College is recognized as the result of studying at Van Hien University. Students use the results submitted to the Training Management Department to be recognized for their soft skills.

* All the details please contact us:

– Training – Admissions, Van Hanh Medicine and Pharmacy

– Address: 302A Vuon Lai, Phu Tho Hoa Ward, Tan Phu Dist. Ho Chi Minh.

– Phone: 086. 2768. 499 or 0862.676.500.

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